Gisele Camargo
List of Artworks
September.17 - DECEMBER.30.2020
Gisele Camargo (born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) started her career in 1990’s in Rio de Janeiro. She lives and works in Serra do Cipo, a natural reserve situated in Jaboticatubas’ Cerrado biome, near Belo Horizonte. Stones, erosions and flora, all become departure points for her elaborated abstract constructions that reduce the distance between the urban and rural, the landscape’s material existence and the painting that becomes a landscape itself.

Gisele Camargo, Erosions VII, 2019, acrylic and oil painting on canvas stretched onto wood, 180 cm x 180 cm, 70.8 in x 70.8 in

Gisele Camargo, the construction of the mini worlds, 2014 - on going, collage, photographic paper on hahnemühle paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 11.8 in x 11.8 in. Note: Additional the construction of the mini worlds series are available upon inquiry.
Gisele Camargo, the construction of the mini worlds, 2014 - on going, collage, photographic paper on hahnemühle paper, 26 cm x 24 cm, 10.2 in x 9.4 in
Gisele Camargo, the construction of the mini worlds, 2014 - on going, collage, photographic paper on hahnemühle paper, 26 cm x 24 cm, 10.2 in x 9.4 in

Gisele Camargo, Brutos III, 2019, acrylic and oil painting on wood, 40 cm x 50 cm, 15.7 in x 19.6 in

Photos of Gisele Camargo’s Studio
Solo Exhibitions
erosões - Central galeria - São Paulo, Brazil
luas, brutos e sóis - Luciana Caravello arte contemporânea - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
luas, brutos e sóis - Periscópio arte contemporânea - belo horizonte, Brazil
construção - Carbono galeria - São Paulo, Brazil
construção - Galeria alfinete - brasília, Brazil
cápsulas e luas - Paço Imperial (parte do prêmio arte e patrimônio iphan) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil